V for Vendetta

"V for Vendetta Hey there! So, there's this super cool movie called "V for Vendetta" that was based on a comic book by Alan Moore. It's all about this guy named V who fights for freedom in a world controlled by a creepy government. The story takes place in the future, in the late 2020s, after a virus called "ST Mary's" messed everything up. V wears a mask that looks like Guy Fawkes, and he leads the fight for a free society. He gets some help from a girl named Natalie Portman, who plays a really important role. Together, they represent the balance between male and female energies. The feminine energy is like this mysterious force that the masculine energy protects. Now, here's the crazy part. Today, we're kind of going through something similar, but on a global scale. Governments all around the world are using the Covid 19 pandemic as an excuse to put lots of restrictions on us. It's like they're trying to control our reality, you know? But here's the thing. The world is changing, man. We're moving from this old, dense 3D existence to a higher, cooler 5D existence. Some people who are stuck in their old ways are freaking out because they feel like they're losing power. They're scared that their version of the world is falling apart. And you know what? It kind of is. But don't worry! There's a whole bunch of us who are evolving and embracing these changes. We're ready for the beautiful, exciting new Earth that's coming our way. Unfortunately, some people might miss out on all the awesomeness if they don't choose to join in. So, it's all about choice, my friend. You have the power to contribute to this positive energy and save yourself. Others can do the same if they want to. There's no right or wrong, just different choices. I'm sending you all a heartfelt light blessing. Take care! GG"