Unconditional love

Unconditional love and non-attachment, the holy grail of emotional mastery. Let's be real here, folks - true unconditional love might seem as elusive as an honest politician , but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it. As for non-attachment, well, if you can manage to detach yourself from your Wi-Fi connection during a Netflix binge, then maybe there's hope for the rest of us. Now, onto the Israeli situation. Emotions run high when discussing this topic, like an overzealous contestant on a game show. It's like trying to navigate a minefield filled with explosive opinions and fragile egos. Can you truthfully have unconditional love for all,and have a non-attached non-judgemental but compassionate standpoint, knowing it is simply two opposing energies showing themselves in this 3D Illusory reality of duality, that had to play out. It's all Part of the must happen in order for our planet to heal itself much love GG🙏💜