The Lions Portal /Gateway

The Lions Portal /Gateway

... The Lions Gate Portal is a term used in metaphysical and spiritual circles to describe an event that occurs annually on August 8th. This date is often noted for its potential for heightened spiritual energy and significance. Here are some key points associated with the Lions Gate Portal: Astrological Alignment The event is called the Lions Gate because it happens when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion), and it supposedly aligns with the star Sirius, the Orion's Belt constellation, and the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. This alignment is believed by some to create a powerful energetic portal. Numerological Significance August 8th is marked as an 8/8 date, and the number 8 holds a special place in numerology. It’s often associated with abundance, power, and balance, as the number itself represents infinity when laid on its side. Double eights are often seen as amplifying these qualities. Spiritual Significance Opportunity for Transformation: The Lions Gate is believed to be a time when there's an increase in cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. This can offer opportunities for profound personal and spiritual transformation. Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Many believe this is a time when one's intuition and psychic abilities can be heightened, making it a powerful period for divination, meditation, and other spiritual practices. Manifestation and Abundance: Owing to the influence of Leo, which is associated with confidence, leadership, and exuberance, and the energetic properties of the number 8, it’s considered an excellent time for setting intentions, manifesting desires, and calling abundance into your life. Heart-Centered Consciousness: The energy of Leo also amplifies heart-centered consciousness. People might feel more inspired to live authentically, embrace their true selves, and act with courage and generosity. In service and blessings GG 💜 🙏 🪶