The Enigma of sleep

When we enter into a state of sleep, our consciousness becomes detached from the external reality, leading to a temporary disappearance from the world around us. This phenomenon raises intriguing questions about the three-dimensional (3D) nature of our experiences. During sleep, our mind conjures up vivid and immersive alternative realities that often seem just as real as our waking experiences. This suggests that 3D could be an illusory construct created by our brains, reinforcing the notion that what we perceive as reality is nothing more than a subjective interpretation of sensory information. Moreover, studies have shown that dreams can be influenced by sensory stimuli such as sounds or touch from the external environment, further blurring the boundaries between inner mental representations and actual external events. While this topic warrants further research and philosophical deliberation, it is undeniable that during sleep, we are transported to a realm where 3D perception may simply be another illusion crafted by our minds.