Spiritual Awakening

People these days talk a lot about spiritual awakening, like it's some big moment where you suddenly understand everything about the universe. But for me, it wasn't like that at all. It was more like little changes happening every day. One day, I would notice a different way of thinking about race. The next day, I might change my political beliefs. Then I would think about changing my diet, and after that, I realized I needed to change my affirmations. These changes didn't happen every day, sometimes it took a week or even a month. But over time, all these little changes added up and made me more aware of the world around me.
Now, spiritual awakening means that I don't let everyday things bother me as much. I've learned to detach myself (well, almost) from all the drama and stress. I can still be part of the world, but I don't let it control me. I think that's what spiritual awakening is all about. The rest of the journey is still ongoing, though. It's like being connected to something bigger than yourself 24/7. You keep learning and growing, and whenever you need it, you get more knowledge and guidance. It's like finding your way back home.
Lots of love,