Donald Trump was not only voted president by the majority of the American people. He was projected into the position by the collective consciousness of humanity. Yes, his victory was decided by the entire consciousness of humanity. He therefore Is a reflection of humanity and its current energy perspective. He is a a mirror reflection of ourselves. Put there at this time for us to learn about where we currently are, and us an Individuals. Whatever your opinion of him or his policies is a mirror reflection of you, if you have any doubts hatred about his election, they are a reflection of your own conscious or sub consciousness fears, he is simply showing you them, he is not the answer, you are, he is.merely there as a catalyst archetype trying to show you your next growth areas. Make, no judgement,simply heal the hurt and fear within self that you may feel over his election. He is here to show you and us our shadow and negative patterns. How cool is that 😎 In service GG 🩵