Mary Magdalene and Gnosticism

let's talk about Mary Magdalene and her metaphysical and spiritual relationship with gnostic teachings. Now, according to some historical accounts and gospels excluded from the mainstream Bible, Mary Magdalene was not just a disciple of Jesus, but also his closest companion and spiritual counterpart. Gnosticism, a mystical movement in early Christianity, emphasized the concept of gnosis or knowledge for salvation. And here's where Mary Magdalene comes into play. In many gnostic texts like the Gospel of Philip and Gospel of Mary, she is portrayed as a highly enlightened figure who received secret teachings directly from Jesus himself. These texts suggest that Mary understood the inner mysteries of divine wisdom and was capable of transmitting this knowledge to others. Her close bond with Jesus symbolizes a profound metaphysical unity - they were seen by some Gnostics as twin souls united in their quest for enlightenment. In essence, Mary Magdalene's association with gnostic teachings highlights her elevated spiritual status within these esoteric circles during ancient times.