Everything is energy

Everything is Energy!!. The concept above is a truth , it is a reality in our 3D linear timeline.of illusion. This has even been proven by sciences, everything is atomic particles, sub -atomic particles, vibrations, frequencies,etc,which is held together by energy. Consciousness itself is the energy.of the one source creator(god.or whatever aspect you choose) Because energy consciousness is different in each density and dimension, it carries different experiences. The 3rd -7th dimension and all.its densities are what would be termed as intelligent physical experiences, 8th above are non-physical in everyway. Our I am self resides in the highest density of the the 7th dimension,and only deals with the physical experiences. You must remember however, we are not separated in any way from.anything, it's just energy distortion, your higher self is not outside of you. It just feels sepertation due to the densities , frequency and vibrations of the one sources desire to experience everything. 3D is the most dense physical energy . Energy moves in a sluggish way, darkness which only exists in 3D and the lower 4th D densities also affects ,when given intelligent thought power ,energy frequency. So humantiy and planet Earth 🌍 which currently reside in 3D have been and still are experiencing solid states, which are illusory experiences, in their most extreme. These have been made even.more confusing and difficult by other negative aligned energy entities of manly 4th dimensional awareness,using darkness to.try and influence.our free choice. Physicality and physical experiences, lessen as any entity moves through the lower Densities into higher ones and higher dimensions, they become more lighter and less dense.in their frequency vibrations and atomic particles, moving more towards the one source energy of pure love...their form is less substantial,more transparent, translucent,harder to.see when in lower Densities/dimensions. So although other beings like Pleiadians, Arcturians,lyrans Sirians, to name a few exist, they are only energy operating at a different frequency, vibration, consciousness then current humanity, this difference in density and energy fluctuations is why most humans cannot sense.or see or feel these beings it is an illusory sepertation. This density caused us to forget , when added to the experience of energy duality,,it is no wonder, so many of us cannot comprehend anything outside of a controlled illusion reality. Basically all living things are energy, separated only by their own current energy frequency. Blessings in gratitude and love GG🌹💜 .