Equinox gateway of balance

Equinox gateway of balance

The September Equinox Subday 22nd marks a moment of balance between light and darkness in the natural world, as it is when the length of day and night are nearly equal. This celestial alignment holds deep metaphysical and spiritual significance, symbolizing harmony, equilibrium, and transformation. It is seen as a powerful gateway for new beginnings, releasing the old and stepping into a new phase of growth and clarity. This time is often considered ideal for reflection, introspection, and setting intentions for the future. In many spiritual traditions, the equinox is celebrated as a time of spiritual awakening, where individuals can tap into their inner wisdom and connect with higher realms of consciousness. By recognizing this cosmic event and aligning oneself with its energies, one can harness its positive influence to cultivate balance, abundance, and spiritual growth in their lives.

In service GG 🩵