Bless the white animals

Once upon a time, there was a big battle called the charge of the light brigade. It happened in the year 2000, and it was a fight between humans of different races and religions, along with some special beings from another dimension called the Plieadians. They were all fighting against some really bad creatures like demons, shadowy figures, and evil magicians who lived in a dark and scary place called the inner dimensional hell realms. But guess what? The battle wasn't just fought by humans and Plieadians. There were also these amazing white animals that played a super important role. Can you believe it? Animals like zebras, wolves, owls, horses, stags, elephants, lions, tigers, leopards, bears, and eagles were all there, ready to protect their home, which is called Gaia or Earth. They were so brave and willing to sacrifice themselves to save everyone from the darkness. I wrote this to honor their bravery, courage, sacrifice, and beauty. They truly deserve our blessings.