Charlie of the light brigade  I have published this article before. The reason I am republishing it, is to help you understand,that the spiritual journey today is so much more fun than before this event ..these were dark times for humanity and the planet spiritually . This event paved the way for a new much
Heart ❤️ and Brain 🧠 Humanity are moving more towards a Heart ❤️ brain 🧠 flow. A new unifying template as a conscious way of living. The interesting thing I find about this energy shift is the flow comes from the expanded heart up through the Xiphoid a little bone beneath the Sternum. It then splits into
Galactic Shuffle Do the Galactic Shuffle. Dance sing, celebrate. After a millennium of Galactic Quarantine Earth is the most happening/gig in the Galaxy.. YIPPEE!! I want to dance joyfully with Gaia. Go humanity I love you,😉🌹💜GG
The Hero I went web slinging with Spiderman today, he helped me search for the hero inside 😉..keep having fun. Blessings GG🙏💜
Fun Happy childlike day!Immerse yourself in fun,joy, laughter,giggles , craft,play and remember your hidden childhood invisible friend's..Oh how Beautiful life life is if you allow it.. blessings GG 🙏💜
News Now Open,!.. yippee This is GG Spiritual Maverick , a brand new site by Gary Gold that's just getting started. If you resonate more to the Wacky, crazy,weird,and fun spiritual perceptions and concepts you can subscribe and stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published! And