Creation Math Creation Math is when your subconscious not aware energy, finally becomes conscious awareness. Subconscious+ conscious energy merging=aware creation. Blessings GG 💜🙏
World Peace "By refraining from external and self created confrontation,you contribute to world peace." Love to you all blessings GG🌎🙏
Galactic Trading Centre Earth the new Inter Galactic Trading centre for our Galaxy. Woo! The real potentials for planet Earth 🌎included the possibility of it being the inter-galactic trading centre and hub for our Universe, and we are part of the process, you, me ,us that is how magnificent we are . So many
Created Reality "What you focus your attention on creates your reality. ' Been proven by science. If you do not live in France (an example,it could be any country That country dose exist in your reality,only when you go France dose it exist and your created reality will allow
Gender Fluidity In Previous lives we have been both Male and Female. When we suddenly switch genders in our next incarnation be it male or female, particularly if we have been one gender for two or more lifetimes, the adjustment because of our akosh remembering,can cause a gender confusion 😵💫 within us,
Newsletter By subscribing to my site ,you will automatically receive a free fortnightly newsletter "The infinite love space" jam packed with fun articles, insights,tips and spiritual guidance..the paradigm is about making spiritually fun as informative . So go.on hit the subscription button and enter the
KERCHING Everything is energy. Including money, it is not scarce, their are hundreds of trillions in circulation,and besides energy is limitless, everyone one of has access to to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In Beautiful love GG💜🙏
Dates No I am not referring to romantic or calendar dates. But the sticky food. There's a lot of higher dimensional urgency and downloads with regards to the eating of dates right now. Simply eating 3 a day can eliminate gut bacteria and negative entities in your body, as
Seeing the beauty of self creation. .When you Accept everything as is, life flows beautifully because you are taking self responsibility for your created circumstances.From this perspective you can see the beauty of your self creations ,and begin to.get a sense of how magnificent you really are as a creator... blessings GG 💜🙏
The strangest thing The strangest thing of that the difference between you and your loved ones is you could be millions of light years apart in evolution and awakening, hence the struggle cannot bridge or change that gap, total acceptance is the only way. Much love GG 💜🙏
The Holy Grail Yet more fun: Tintin invited me to.join him in his search for the Holy Grail. After stopping for lunch Snowy found the holy relic it was carried by our, waiter , his name tag read "I AM.. Joshua" you all have fun..GG🙏💜
Are there any laws God/Source/Universe is pure love (energy) which simply keeps expanding, therefore it allows itself to grow and expand. Every creation from source seems to believe that there is some form of law/s that governs creation. Personally from my own perception,are laws of any kind part of the
Spending By spending your limitless consciousness in the Universal shop you can purchase a brand new set of life experiences. Much abundance,love and blessings GG 💜🙏
Charlie of the light brigade  I have published this article before. The reason I am republishing it, is to help you understand,that the spiritual journey today is so much more fun than before this event ..these were dark times for humanity and the planet spiritually . This event paved the way for a new much
Heart ❤️ and Brain 🧠 Humanity are moving more towards a Heart ❤️ brain 🧠 flow. A new unifying template as a conscious way of living. The interesting thing I find about this energy shift is the flow comes from the expanded heart up through the Xiphoid a little bone beneath the Sternum. It then splits into
Galactic Shuffle Do the Galactic Shuffle. Dance sing, celebrate. After a millennium of Galactic Quarantine Earth is the most happening/gig in the Galaxy.. YIPPEE!! I want to dance joyfully with Gaia. Go humanity I love you,😉🌹💜GG
The Hero I went web slinging with Spiderman today, he helped me search for the hero inside 😉..keep having fun. Blessings GG🙏💜
Fun Happy childlike day!Immerse yourself in fun,joy, laughter,giggles , craft,play and remember your hidden childhood invisible friend's..Oh how Beautiful life life is if you allow it.. blessings GG 🙏💜
News Now Open,!.. yippee This is GG Spiritual Maverick , a brand new site by Gary Gold that's just getting started. If you resonate more to the Wacky, crazy,weird,and fun spiritual perceptions and concepts you can subscribe and stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published! And