A previous life

One of my Previous lives , I always say previous, because there is no past ..I believe this is the human life I gained a lot of esoteric understanding,.. Past Life: with current life mother The first life the Masters have chosen was in regards to career and they say was one of your great successes. I see you in ancient Egypt around 200BC in Alexandria, you are the assistant to a very gifted healer and physician and you are studying under him. Your name is Miletus and you traveled by ship from an island in the Mediterranean to study in Alexandria. I feel you are around age 19, young and eager to learn. Your mother had been a natural healer and had taught you much about herbs and medicinal medicine but you wanted to learn more how to mend broken bones, cure serious conditions and even how to help those who were sick in the mind believing as your mother had that it was not a curse from the gods but a true malady that must be able to be cured. Thus you went to Alexandria with a letter of introduction from the High Priest of the Temple of Apollo who said he would recommend you, that you had studied with him, and learned all he had to teach; now you were in need of a more advanced instructor. The priest who received the letter introduced you to Apollonius/Mother who was a great physician and a personal friend of the priest. After testing your knowledge for a few weeks he agreed to take you on as a student. I see Apollonius became a great teacher, mentor, and friend to you. You studied with Apollonius/Mother for 12 years learning everything you could and at his insistence also studying at the Great Library of Alexandria. You were fortunate enough to be able to hear lectures and receive instruction from some of the greatest minds of the day and in time were even given access to many scrolls most would not be permitted to touch. After your training was done you returned to your home island (sorry I am not getting the name I think it may not exist now having been destroyed in a flood or earthquake) but it seems to have been near Greece. I see you were sad to leave your dear teacher and friend Apollonius/Mother, but you knew it was time. You went to the healing temple and became one of the most sought-after healers, people would come from very far away, both peasant and nobility, to consult with you. You did not show biased and would treat anyone regardless of their station in life. I see you became known for your ability to cure illnesses other healers had failed to cure and for this was highly respected even among other healers many of whom would come to you asking to be trained themselves. As time wore on you had an affliction of your own that you could not cure and worried it would end your healing career, you developed what we now call rheumatoid arthritis in your hands. You were in your late 40s when you were no longer able to hold instruments for healing or mix cures so you became an instructor and taught many new healers all you had learned. Young men would come from all over the Mediterranean and beyond to learn from you. In time you became the head of the healing temple/hospital and were in charge of all the students. I see you sent letters to your friend Apollonius/Mother and valued his insights until his passing away about 8 years after your return home. The Masters say this was a very successful and fulfilling life where your soul was able to learn, grow, and be of service to the people, they wanted you to see how effective you can be when you allow your own confidence and curiosity about the world guide you. They say the ability to heal, teach, administer and organize large groups and organizations, and an understanding of human psychology are with you still if you should choose to pursue any of them- it is not required of you, but the skills are there for you to use if you choose. Ethan, in time you will learn to use these skills to help yourself and others in many ways... blessings GG 🙏