
The number 144,000 is mentioned three times in the book of Revelations, and it has different meanings depending on who you ask. In the Bible, some people think it represents the number of special humans, possibly Jewish people, who were chosen to lead everyone else.
But according to some beings from higher dimensions, like the Pleiadians and others, they believe that 144,000 was the original number of genetically changed humans who eventually became Homo sapiens, which is what we are now. They say that each and every one of us has 144,000 points of light in our bodies. These points are like doors for the energy of God or a higher power to come in and connect with who we really are. You can think of them as 144,000 Chakras, if you're familiar with that term. It's like we were made this way on purpose, and when these points are fully open and the energy flows freely, we realize that we are beings of light.
I'm sure many of you have felt a tingling sensation throughout your whole body at some point. Well, next time that happens, be aware that it's your body trying to heal and realign itself. It's like your DNA is being activated. The transformation is happening, and humanity is changing into its original form as beings of light.